Welcome to my Project for Portfolio C

Hello Professor, this is the link to the rest of my personal website, this semester has been very busy for me but here is my main hobby page where I show my personal projects and passions aside from work and education: Neocities.

ENTR-3000 was a very engaging and fun class which I was glad I was able to participate in. I decided for my Porfolio C Project to make a webpage to go over what my biggest takeaways were. I found this to not only be very engaging and fun, but an-open ended project which became more interactive than just writing on a normal Google Doc. I chose to also work on my Neocities page for my Portfolio C, since I believe I mentioned I have my own website for personal use, and I believe even though the class was for Entrepeneurship and my major is for Business Analytics, that does not take away from any other abilities I may have. As such I wanted to combine a bit of analysis, my web development abilities, and of course this class of Entrepeneurship for the reflective project.

Here is a comprehensive list of my main takeaways from ENTR-3000: